Thursday, August 20, 2015



  1. A triple shot of greatness! Love it! They all got it where it counts.

  2. Right in the bellybutton, damn right!

  3. Love the guys pinned up by the bolt...right thru that bellybutton..nothing

  4. Yep, bunch of big-bellied buddies shot down like cannon fodder! What a way to go! ;)

    1. Ya never wanna go into a spear battle with knifes, and naked bellies exposed. They were just asking for it. Hehe Love the guy holding a radio transmitter....just radioed for help, but he's already got all the "help" he'll ever need in his big sexy gut! Love the shocked look on the other guy's handsome face....can't believe what he's seeing sticking out of his gut!

    2. Haha, one minute you and your buddies are just patrolling around, the next you're looking down in disbelief, holding your big gut as you feel the shaft running straight through your belly! Guy with the radio's transmission got cut off halfway through by the spear. . . "COPY, COPY! Bravo team, send help, if ya don't we're dea- UGGHNNN. . . Nevermind. Over-"

  5. Yep, bunch of big-bellied buddies shot down like cannon fodder! What a way to go! ;)

  6. Front runners....used as a diversion. The officer receiving the transmission doesn't even get shook up. He knew what the outcome was going to be. Like you said....just fodder. Once the battle is over, he will have their bodies paraded in front of him, so he can give them a nice belly rub and a firm hard gut slap before they are sent off for burial.

    1. Glad you like it! I do, too. Hot vision! He calls it the beer belly "rub and slap" salute to the front runners.

    2. Haha, I would love to be 'saluted' like that upon my untimely, manly death on the field! ;)

    3. Yeah, he figures it's the least he do for sending the expendable men into the front lines. They gave up their navels for the boys. Me, I would wanna stick my finger in their belly holes, too, but I'm sick that way. LOL Perhaps we could shove a small flag pole in 'em, watch the flag whip back and forth in the wind. Hehe.

    4. HAHA, great idea, Dino! ;) If I were the sergeant, I'd make all my men line up in the barracks periodically, and test their gut with a measuring tape/finger thump. . . any man with too big a gut gets taken out back and shot/speared, whichever they prefer! Can't have any ball-gutted men weighing down the platoon, now, can we? ;)


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