Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Hitting it off at The Range...

If it were any other bar, these guys might have just hooked up and gone home together... but after an hour in this saloon, the only place they'll be going is the graveyard out back!

Keep an eye out for another Range comic in the coming weeks... it's a series I truly enjoy expanding upon!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Nathan Defeated - An animation by a friend!

My good artist friend, kthoolfoo, animated this amazing scene in which one of his big-bellied characters is bested in a duel!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Midnight Surprise...

A young couple, one fit and one not so much, are unable to defend against an intruder, and are promptly shot dead... though not without popping a couple boners for their killer!