Saturday, January 9, 2016

Spliced version of "A Grim Sense of Humour"

I made this version in case anyone wants to save/download the whole strip without any hassle. 


  1. Sometimes I enjoy seeing a potbelly take a clip of rapid machine gun fire that rips his guts open and splatters them all over and sometimes as here I like a single slug in succession and watching his potbelly respond to each slug. And I love how you 'stitched' a great smile on his dead pot belly!

    1. So true! I love the idea of taking a spray of machine gun fire in the gut... I grimace and spastically jolt around in the air, letting out sharp groans of denial before grabbing my potbelly and hitting the dirt... a quick, dirty, and alltogether sexy death for a man! However, the idea of the killer taking his sweet time, lining up each shot and taking in my reactions, my body going more and more limp with each slug in my belly, until I've eaten enough lead to die on the spot... super hot!

  2. Amen, Skitch. I really like the slower "pot" shots like this one. His killer is not just a fit soldier, but one hell of a shot.

    1. When you're killing big-bellied guys on the combat field, ya gotta savor it! ;) They didn't grow those bellies for nothin, they're just ASKING for your hot lead... or even cold steel.

    2. Especially when they're so conveniently under-clad. Those guys are just so out there...It'd be a crime NOT to "pot shot" 'um..

  3. I love the sound effects of the pot shots hitting the belly, "splat", "spllch". Whenever I try to think up these words I draw blanks. You're truly masterful. And I agree, these slow pot shots are a great way to savor the moment of death on a battlefield. A bullet to the head, or the heart is instantaneous but slow, methodical shots to the belly prolong suffering and make a man ache, grunt and groan even more.

    1. Thanks! I totally agree, a bullet/sword to the gut would be the only way I'd want to bite it... and yeah, I spend a good bit of time just trying to come up with the dialogue/wording... it's surprisingly hard sometimes!


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