Friday, January 8, 2016

Goin' Down Together...

A piece I whipped up really quick as a follow-up to my last pic... a 17 year old boy tries to avenge his dying father in a shootout, but ends up being shot dead himself...


  1. You did it! Awesome, Ashe! I love the whole back story. Way hot! Thanks.

    1. Thanks, Dino! ;) Just felt like doing a follow up of some sort. Now if I could only finish the projects I've been working on the last month, haha

    2. Whatever they are, I know I'll love 'em. Take your time, Ashe. They will be worth the wait. An Ashe project will always be welcome.

  2. I'm with Dino...Ashe your work is so creative and erotic and well worth the wait! With gratitude, Skitch

    1. Thanks so much, Skitch! I'm so glad I found some people who like what I do! ;)


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