Friday, September 4, 2015

Vulnerability. . .


  1. Superb! Maybe ya should call it realization! Hehe. He just realizes he's fucked, big-time. I love it! Thanks.

    1. This dude discovers the primal manly connection between the bellybutton and the dick..;-)

    2. Yeah, I love the way he's goes the spear and out goes the cum. Hot!

    3. Haha, great idea, Dino! I was tired when I thought of the name, haha. I love the idea of a guy being stabbed in the bellybutton, and as it goes deeper and he groans through the pain, he can't help but get an erection for some reason. . . the heat of the moment spurs him to accept it, die with a bellyfull of spear and a stiff, horny cock. . .


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