Monday, September 21, 2015

Poker Game Part III

                            The bodycount skyrockets as the fallout of an ill-fated poker game continues!
                               Will the dastardly man who shot up the saloon finally be brought to justice?


  1. Oh, fuck! That dude is one fine shot.....nails 'em all just right. Love the guy who's button pops off just in time to get plugged in his navel. Hot! They may have to send in an army to off that fucker. Fat boys, flat boys, and everything in between don't stand a chance against this guy. A slaughter house of hot shootings. I love it! Thanks, Ashe. You've outdone yourself with this series. When you get the time, I would love to see about ten parts to this story! You are a genius!

    1. Haha, thanks, Dino! Yep, the button popping guy is my favourite! They sure didn't expect to get wiped out by one measly outlaw! Big-bellied, flat-bellied, six-pack... a bullet doesn't discriminate! I know there'll at least be a part 4 eventually, once I have time to get another strip together!

    2. Ashe...a masterpiece!....Got um all...right in the navel. I am SO those

    3. Haha thanks! Eight bellies... eight bullseyes!

    4. Yeah! That naked cowboy is quite the shot alright. 9 shots, 8 men killed, and all in the navel..hehe.Love the big belly dude who decided to wear a shirt that he clearly had long outgrown. First the "play" slug to the arm, just enough fro him to pop the belly button, Then he gets the kill shot perfectly thru that little strategic opening. Even he had to admit the kid deserved kudos for the perfect shot. ;-)

    5. oops...10 shots. Forgot the pec

    6. That cowboy's a total hoot. Naked except for his boots, hat, and choker he still manages to kill like a dozen men with perfect shots to their navels. The guys go down with little fuss..kinda' take as almost their Karma..hehe.

    7. Love it that the killer is standing unharmed with his guns in the air, his cock standing out like a flag pole. He ain't just proud of his shooting, he's turned on, big time. Eight men without their bellybuttons. If any are still alive, he will just pump lead into their bellies until they aren't. Hot!

    8. You and me both, Dino!
      This guy is a real you say, standing there, naked..guns in the air...having suddenly and painfully ended the lives of eight men right in the spot where those lives began..hehe.

    9. Haha, wonderful way to put it! The guy has to get a rush from ending the lives of eight cowboys in a cool, precise hail of gunfire... hearing them groan in denial and grim acceptance, watching them hit the dirt, their bellies full of the lead HE put there with his hard-earned skills... knowing each man's last thought is how they were put down by some kid they underestimated... the Big-bellied guys realizing too late what a liability their fat round target of a gut really was! ;) Haha, especially the guy who's shirt popped open... almost like his gut was asking for it, even though the guy was hoping he'd make it out alive!

    10. Yeah, the big-bellied cowboy's shirt popped opened at just the right time to reveal the target. Love the sadistic way the kid growls, "this bullet is just for you".......right in his big hairy gut! Right in his now exposed bellybutton! Hot!

    11. And the big gut dude just had to express admiration for the kid's skill with a shootin' iron....nailed im right in that small "window of opportunity"..hehe

    12. No need in puttin' another bullet hole in his shirt when there was an opening right there in front.

    13. True..something very manly how these 8 men all took their Fate. I'm sure when that big fat dude's shirt button popped revealing his navel...he knew he was as good as dead. He just had to admit it.. as all his buds did....the kid sure got um good...

    14. Haha, he had to feel like his big fat belly was the biggest target out there once that button popped off. . . because it was! ;) He was hoping his boys would shoot the bastard down before the kid took advantage, but to noones surprise, he ended up with a bullet in his big, hairy gut. . . right in the exposed navel. . . uuuhhhgghhh. His last thoughts had to be "Awww, my big round belly got me killed. . . gah, that's what I get for having such a big, manly gut."

    15. Hehehe. Yeah, he never knew his button had popped off, but he knew from the pressure that his shirt was straining against it, and when he arched his body, the button couldn't take anymore. The shooter saw the target and let have it good. He was always afraid it might get him plugged....and it did.

    16. Haha, poor guy, with a gut that big, bellybutton way out in the open, he has no hope of protecting himself. Fortunately, when his time came, and he felt hot lead punch into his guts right through his navel, he took it as well as any man could, with a groan and even a compliment to his killer's shooting skills before bowing out. That's gotta be a great sight for any cowboy, seeing the guy he's shot take it like a man and die good.

    17. You are so right, Ashe. There's nothing more pitiful and disgusting than a man squealing and crying like a girl when he gets his. He took it like a real man, as a real man should.....grunting, cursing, groaning or moaning, holding or rubbing his belly until he dies. All the men he plugged died well.

    18. Haha, one of my favorites is when a guy takes a bullet, grabs his belly, lets out a deep grunt and hits the dirt on his back, spread eagle, belly up... a simple and effective way to let another man know he's killed you ;) If you really wanna give your killer a show, arch your back, holding your gut with both hands, and groan "AWWW, My belly!" or "Ya got me!" before bowing out. He'll take it as a compliment to his marksmanship, and it'll give him a woody to boot, haha...

    19. Oh yeah! Fuckin' hot! Another huge turn-on for me is when a guy takes lead in his bellybutton, grunts, curses, grabs his belly, and falls onto the ground on his back. Clenching his teeth and holding his belly over the wound, he arches his body, thrusting his belly high in the air, as if to give the shooter a closer look at his handiwork. "Look what ya done to my me fuckin' good and dead-center.....right in the gut". He groans and moans, as he lurches and rolls over onto his side while still arched. Fuckin' hot way to go!

    20. Haha, hell yeah, make a good show of the pain in your guts! Let the other guy know just how good of a killer he is by grabbing your gut and arching your back... it tells him he got you square center in the gut, right in the bellybutton... the perfect killshot... there's something special about being killed in the gut that's unlike a shot to the heart or anywhere else... a man gettin' you dead center, right in your vulnerable, wide open belly... haha there's something incredibly hot about it ;)

    21. Ashe, so true. A big belly man owes it to his shooter to take it like a man, maybe let im know how good a shot he is,,,,that he got me right dead center in my big gut's navel...hey...gotta go sometime..;-)

    22. Every big boy's gotta go... haha

    23. The price we pay for a big round glorious belly..;-)

  2. There is just something so hot and funny when the guys basically announce their demise and identify how and where the Kid got them. the big belly dudes,, the meaty muscle belly guy...all had to realize that the navel...a seemingly useless really was a bull's eye...;-)

    1. Haha, it takes a big guy to take an untimely death with grit and masculinity, clutching their bellies and cursing their young, sharp-shooting killers while still admiring their handiwork... secretly they were all hoping it'd be their buddies taking a bullet to the belly in the shootout, but it turned out that they themselves were the necessary casualty! After all, in each shootout a few guys on each side gotta bite it! Imagine being that one gutshot guy, dying as your buddies drag you back to your horse and sling you over the saddle to take you back to town for burial...

    2. Hehe...fading big ball gut plugged right thru the navel...knowin' I'm a dead man...."Kid got me good....unghhhh" ;-)

    3. the end the Naked Gunslinger admires his shootin'.. an array of men with a single well-placed bullet right thru each dude's navel...each man well-plugged, unwilling but honestly admitting that they did get killed right n'

    4. Haha, what a feeling that'd be, to be one of the guys sprawled out in the dirt, your killer hovering over you and your buddies and inspecting his kills, gives each of your fat bellies a nudge with his boot, listens to you and your buddies groan as you fade out one by one...

    5. Yeah...layin' there...belly up....fadin' away in lead shot right thru the big bag of guts...knowin' he got me right thru' my navel...oddly satisfying in a way...nudges my big round plugged belly with his boot...give 'im a deep "unghhh"...

    6. Haha, I like the way you put that, "big bag of guts!" It's like the belly is just a big, vulnerable tank stuffed with a mans most vital organs... All it takes is one bullet to kill 'im!

    7. Yep..easy to kill good slug right thru' his navel..rips im up inside the gut bag...he looks good too...using the natural birth button to end his lowlife existence..only sign of his death is a bleedin' bellybutton..hehe

  3. l think l saw the big dude last night for Holloween only bigger and less buttons intact, dam he was full of beer could barely walk lol. Stab that pumpkin

  4. A pumpkin that big should really be carved, thats what a huge ball belly is for, poor fat boy thought he was just showing off his gut


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