Friday, September 25, 2015

Promising Career Cut Short. . .

                           An 18 year old gladiator, fresh from training, gets taught one final lesson from
                                             a much more experienced fighter. . .


  1. Poor kid should have known he was going to get his good. Right in his navel! Love it! Thanks, Ashe. Should have known he didn't have any muscles in his navel. Hehe.

    1. Haha, well, he'd gotten cocky after working so long and hard for those muscles! Shoulda worked on his fighting technique instead! I think he got the 'point' loud and clear, though, right in his guts! ;)

    2. Yep, all those gut muscles didn't protect him any more than that much-too-small shield he didn't have in from of his sweet spot. Hehe. I bet they both shot a load after that one! I love the dialog.....and those skimpy outfits, too.

    3. Promising career cut short...right thru his bellybutton too..tsk..tsk. Too much belly uncovered kid..oh well...;-)

    4. Haha, you're right, Dino, they both shot a good load after that stab! ;) Unfortunately it was the young guy's very last load before he was hauled away! His killer will have many more to come though, as he cuts down more cocky young men fresh out of the training field ;)

    5. Yeah, and the killer will keep on fightin' until he gets it, himself. It won't be that big a surprise to him, as sooner or later, all fighters bite the steel....or get a few arrows in their gut. It's not a matter of if, but when. He might even get a spear in his back and watch the end of it emerge from his navel, so he's gonna fight on, cum on and enjoy the deaths as they come.

  2. Very much enjoy your work whether the belly is bloated or lean because you always get him square in his bellyhole and that turns me on so good! Thanks

  3. 18 and built... that's a good age to die, then.

  4. BOTH bodybuilder hunks... worthy adversaries. The victor will die one day soon enough.


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