Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gruesome Execution

Some kind of POW torture chamber? Maybe a bit violent, lol. . .


  1. I love it! Two ball-bellied hunks get it good. Love the way they get it, too. Both are resigned to the fact that are fucked. Hehe. Thanks, Ashe.

    1. One has to admire the precision engineering that makes the spike locate, enter and exit the ball bally thru the navel ;-)

    2. Haha thanks! After he's been impaled a guy has to just go "uggh. . ." and let out his big gut out. . . nothin' to do but die gruntin' and groanin'. . .

    3. Yeah! The handsome stud on the right can just look down at his ball belly to see he's doomed. All he can do is hold his big gut and grunt, groan and moan until he's unconscious, He got a belly full.....and so did his buddy. Uhhhahhhhhhhhhh.


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