Saturday, October 31, 2015

Request for Gut Stab

An employee gets fed up with his boss, and decides to take matters into his own hands.


  1. UUhhhhhahhhhh! Turnabout is fair play. Hehe. His employee didn't get fat on what he was being paid so he took his extra pound of flesh......and guts from his big-bellied boss. Love it!

    1. Thanks, Dino! ;) I kind of want to draw something happening to the employee now, haha!

    2. Yeah, I can see his boss pulling out the big knife and plunging it right into his muscular employee's belly.....two for one. Hehe. Hot! Or he could pull a gun and shoot him. Either way, it would be hot!

    3. Haha, great idea! If I were the boss I'd let him thrust it all the way in me, groanin' and grimacing the whole time, until the blade is completely in my guts, just to make sure he's killed me... then while his guard is down, while I still have a bit of life in me, I'd pull it out of my fat belly and stick it right in his six-pack, pulling him into a bear hug and taking him out with me! It's only fair, haha

    4. I agree! That's so hot.....and I love it when a guy uses his gut to press harder against the knife handle, shoving it as far as he can into the man's rock-hard belly. Whew!

    5. The ultimate fantasy... a dying guy killing me with his own gut! Haha. I'll be sure to draw something of that nature soon! Right now I'm working on the final drawing request, and it's a pretty lengthy comic strip, but the lineart is done and coloring should only take another day or two!

    6. Oh yeah! Another great chapter in our favorite poker strip.

  2. The butcher's body and face are so nice and real! Nice job, it's a pleasure to see your works!!

  3. Now take out the knife and put the entire penis between the intestines


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