Thursday, October 15, 2015

Quick Update

Haven't posted in a few days because I lost my drawing stylus, and I'm waiting on my new one to come in the mail! Hopefully won't take too long. In the meantime, if anyone has any specific suggestions as to what to draw next, feel free to comment below!


  1. Thanks for the note, Ashe. Sorry for your loss. I'd love the see a naked young man with a club or spear in his hand reared back, erect, and ready to strike his adversary on the ground. At the last second before he strikes his intended victim pumps lead into his exposed navel. He can be muscular or round-bellied......all hot to me.

  2. I do have suggestion. I would like you to draw a boss in his suit stabbed by his employee. The employee is upset with his boss.
    Stab the boss the with a big knife.. also draw him with blonde hair, mustache and glassed.
    Thanks Ashe I love you art. sorry for my english

  3. Sorry for your loss. Would you please draw a muscle bear with muscular roid gut being stabbed right at his navel?

  4. looking for navel stud for a piercing here in nyc....any leads you guys can give me? thanks...Skitch

  5. Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I'll definitely keep them in mind once I'm able to draw again! ;)

  6. I lost mine tooooo but it was in a mudpuddle

  7. Sorry to hear it...for me..more Poker Game..;-)

  8. Sorry to hear about it. I suspect those are easy to lose. I'd like to see shirtless muscle bears with protruding guts at a deck party. Someone gets rowdy and starts a gun fight leaving some muscle bears on the deck, slumped over the railing and leaning up against the brick wall, all bleeding from their navels, chests and mouths.

  9. I'd just add to Jacob to see shirtless muscle bears with big bellies at a deck party and taken down with machine guy fire in their bellyholes

  10. Show the big belly on the operating room bed. All the intestines protrude from the big belly and five doctors and nurses dig their hands up to the elbow inside the intestines
    The image is sweet
    I wish you could illustrate it!!

  11. Please work with the operating room ideas more
    Please please please! With big Belly


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