Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hopefully back in business

Hey all, I got my replacement pen in the mail today, so hopefully I'll be able to start chugging out drawings again soon. I'm working on a few separate projects at the moment, one of which is actually a written story... so if you're so inclined, stick around for some new stuff!


  1. Rest assured I'll be hanging around, Ashe. I love the idea of an illustrated story (assuming that you will illustrate it). Even if it's just a story without any drawings, I know I'll love reading it. Bring it on, buddy. I'm already getting excited.

    1. Thanks Dino! It's hopefully going to be an interactive story, I just have to finish it and work out a few bugs, hoping to have it done within the next few weeks!

    2. Sounds terrific! I can hardly wait.


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