Monday, October 28, 2024

Missing the Party...

 There's still more happening at the costume party, but 

here's a cutaway to someone else's night-


  1. Hmmm, I don't know what's better. A big bowl of guts, or a plate full of slice belly featuring a well cut up belly button. Also, I like what's going on in the last 3 frames, inside his shorts. I would be doing the same.

    1. There's always the question of what to do with the innards after the pumpkin is scooped out and carved...!

  2. Wow, it seems like the son knew what his father would do to him, although death is really good, he feels a little sorry for the boy, a real father would have kept his son alive for the Butcher, but hey, at least . Don't waste so many used years on your child.

    1. Fattening up a man for the slaughter is a long-term investment but it paid off for the dad this halloween! At least for now...

  3. So bloody hot! There is nothing hotter than gutting out a big solid gut. Hope to see a big gut daddy being gutted soon hahaha

    1. There will definitely be big bellied daddies getting gutted in the future ;)

  4. I wonder how the belly butcher will react to being impersonated like this

  5. The best thing is to put your penis really hard between all those hot man guts ahhhhh ummmmn

  6. What a dutiful son! And using the knife as the "nose" on his kid's jack-o-belly was a nice touch on the Dad's part---a flourish worthy of the Butcher!

    Speaking of which, like Anon, I can't help but think that the Butcher won't take too kindly to having such a great kill claimed from under him. I'm sure the Butcher has some clever ideas for how to make his displeasure known to Papa...

    1. I wanted to get the next parts out before Halloween but they'll be late unfortunately 😩 But yeah, the dads story isn't over yet and the Butcher has a lot more on his hands as he invades the party!

  7. What a plump and beautiful intestine

  8. What about daddy stuffing his hairy gut eating Brian's guts? ♥

    1. Now that's an interesting idea for a future comic... stuffing your guts with the guts of the man you grew!


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