Sunday, October 20, 2024

Costume Party (Part 1)



  1. Wow, great, it's good to see that we are going to have a Halloween special on the blog, it's funny how you look at the arrow with each boy's costumes, it seems like they are part of them!

    I just hope there are other potbellies waiting inside the house, I think the Butcher is going to have a lot of material to work with.

    1. You could say the arrows complete the look! Don't worry, there are plenty more potbellies at this party to puncture!

  2. Love the costumes, very creative! The Earth guy's ingenuity pays off as his moon keeps orbiting his sexy round gut even after he's dead---he made sure to give it enough room to pass by the arrow that he knew would end up sticking out of his belly button. And Avocado man, just too perfect! Though I especially appreciate that the Pup's kilt gives easy access to his death boner...woof, indeed!

    1. The Butchers precise aim and strong bow arm helped keep the moons orbit intact too, he knew just how much force to put into the shot to bury it deep in his guts! Kilt guy got to meet his biggest celebrity crush, it only makes sense he'd go out with a boner!

  3. I'll go to that party dressed as a gladiator without armor!!

  4. The Butcher pay a little visit to the nerd's party before going to the pup's party I see. Can't stop his love for killing pot belly men

  5. I was thinking to myself what would happen if someone was in a party with a watermelon belly costume and the butcher wanted to open the watermelon!

    1. That's a great idea for a costume! Green outside, red guts inside...

  6. I hope someone went as a pumpkin so the butcher can make a jack-o-lantern out of their fat ball gut! So many ways to die, I hope the butcher is creative in his techniques, giving each man a personalized fatal belly ache!

    1. You just might get your wish soon! Part Two will be out before Halloween ;) A fat belly jack o lantern would be an appropriate way for a fat man to die in October...


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