Monday, February 29, 2016

Never trust an Interrogator...

Contrary to my earlier post, I actually had a bit of free time today... so I decided to finish this small comic I've been working on, partly inspired by my previous drawing "A Quick Lesson in Physics"


  1. Unexpected.....but great! Thanks, Ashe. Love it!

  2. I get off so simply to a steel pistol barrel stuck deep in a hot cavernous maculine 'pffffft' and hot steel wreaks belly havoc before it exits splashing belly blood on the back'd be rubbing my jizz off your belly too!

  3. Hot waiting!.. ;-)

    1. Just something so "elemental" about getting plugged in the gut hole..;-)

  4. Nice work :-) if you can get it :-)

  5. I wouldn't be patting his cheek, that belly is where it is at. Fat handsome and l love the beard too

  6. something so sexy about the way you drew his fat ballgut makes me want to hump that belly hole while pulling on his beard

    1. Thanks, man! Who could resist filling that big belly with cum after making such a perfect entry point in his gutshot navel?

  7. He would have gotten two meals from me one food and beer till his was ready pop then for dessert a bullit in his bellybutton just one so l would have plenty of big belly play time. Love this dude

    1. I like that, keep him alive long enough for some good, long belly rubs... then save the best for last!

  8. The way he asks about food it would be fun to see just how much that already fat ballbelly could hold, he looks ready to be stuffed. The bigger the better

    1. So true! If I hadn't already plugged him dead, he might have made a great husband to cook for, haha.

  9. I cook for a living so l would have him tripple that size leaning back with his huge ballgut sticking straight out moaning that his over packed belly was about to bust. I may have trouble grabbing his beard over his enormous belly. Then once he refussed to swallow another bit l would poke him in that belly till he pop

  10. What a hot big Daddy Bear! I would also prefer a single bullet in his belly button. This would take him a long time to go - premium time for belly play! Nothing better than playing with a big, mortal wounded gut.


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