Saturday, September 28, 2024

Slow Work Day...



  1. Looks like the guy on the right enjoyed taking that arrow right in his belly button more than the other guy. I would probably react the same way.

    1. I noticed that too!

      Seems to me like the guy on the right is a bit more experienced and has probably been growing his firm ball gut for years. During all that time, he knew he was making himself a target for the Butcher, couldn't help but think how it would feel to take one of his arrows in his big fat gut. By the time it finally happened, he was more than ready to go!

      His younger buddy on the left might not have been as prepared. Luckily, he still has a few minutes left to realize an arrow in his big belly isn't such a bad way to go...he just might need some more encouragement!

    2. It's good that he had an older big bellied male role model to show him how to properly get it in the belly!!

    3. draw a murdered man with a pierced navel that would be super sexyyyy

  2. I’m sure construction sites are a favorite hunting ground for the butcher. There’s always a couple of ball bellied dudes on the crew, and they usually do the easy jobs because they are too fat and slow to be good for much else. You get these two dudes on the far end of the site, out of view of any help and wearing high visibility gear. Gear that hardly fits mind you. How could the butcher resist these hogs with their gluttonous guts bursting at the seams.

    1. The brightly colored safety vest is anything but safe when the belly butcher is around, it's just pointing to your big belly and saying "shoot me"

  3. I think the butcher would look bad ass coming up to those big boys, grabbing the sign from the dude’s hands and spearing him through the gut with it!

    1. That's a great way for a construction worker to keep the sign functional even after he dies

  4. Maybe it was his own boss who told the Butcher about his employees, after all, who needs fat guys who don't help at all?

    The best thing in these cases is to throw them away, in Mexico we have the joke that a worker is sacrificed so that the work remains firm, it seems that here it was very literal, hahaha!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Many bosses might be in business with the butcher... don't have to pay severance to a big bellied guy if you can get him butchered!

  5. Agreed. I'd be so willing to take it deep in the belly and would probably even ask for another arrow. I'd want to test myself and see how much of that awful, manly pain I can take before I perish. Grunting with each thud landing in my stomach: "Hrooaaa! Hefffnk!! Urrrnnnghh" grinning even though I'm a pincushion.

  6. Okay hear me out: we strip off our shirts baring our bellies and go as a group of willing victims to the butcher. I call first though!


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