Saturday, September 21, 2024

Need A Light...


Extra pics:


  1. Hah, awesome! Thanks for bringing back the flaming arrow, the best of both worlds: you get to feel the head jabbing deep in your guts AND that warm glow spreading from your belly. And seems like our resourceful leather daddy found yet another reason to appreciate that particular method of taking down sexy dudes!

    1. I was going to draw one of him on his back too but I ran out of time and wanted to get this idea posted! I wish I was a movie director so I could film all my belly kill ideas :D

    2. Your movies would be awesome. You could use me

  2. Great, new methods are finally starting to be used to make sexy men die in a special way through their delicate navels.

    I just wish I were the old man so I could have that beautiful boy's corpse more within reach.

    1. You'd have to let him cool off a bit first, his bacon is burnt!

  3. Here to share an update on my Dads journey through the blog. A week ago I finally had the guts to show him more of your comics including some of my favorites and explained him the lore around The Belly Butcher. We had a fun conversation about action movies, comics, death scenes etc. I was quite nervous about his reaction but he was totally into it. As of now his preferred tool is a bullet although I was trying to change his mind lol. Nevertheless he's still a huge fan of Butcher's work. I thought about documenting more of his reactions /opinions and sharing them with you guys if interested.

    1. P.S. Another fantastic artwork! Love it!

    2. A bullet thru the belly button is 👍🔥.

    3. I'm very glad your Dad is a fan, thank you very much for letting all of us know! There will be more bullet kills soon!

  4. Fire in the hole! That flame is nothing compared to the searing hot pain in his guts. That tight leather jacket really accentuated that belly button target

  5. Hopefully he won't put it on some gassy hog gut. The fire arrow would exploded that meaty gutsy sack and destroyed this fine leather jacket.

    1. I think the Butcher is creative enough to find away to put gas or oil in their guts. Love to hear those sausages sizzle while they are still inside their guts, or maybe out right send them flying all over the place haha.


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