Saturday, February 17, 2024

Fast Food...



  1. It seems Glen didn't hear the news, or he wouldn't have gone to work that day, ¡it seems like anywhere is dangerous for potbellied guys if The Butcher is around! And judging by his huge belly, I think Glen was stealing food from the place to keep filling his tank and keep maintaining his huge belly. I hope this series of restaurant murders continues, why not now that it is a grilled meat place and the waiter gets skewered by a BBQ skewer?

    1. When the Butcher gets hungry and wants to eat out, he'll only pick places with at least one big-bellied male worker, for obvious reasons... Glen practically advertised himself along with the rest of the menu, with his gut poking out of the drive thru. His uniform actually used to fit when he first got the job, but swiping more than a few meals led to his gut filling out so much he couldn't tuck in his shirt, which he'd get teased for by the other workers! A few joked that the Butcher was coming to get him any day now... and they were right

  2. Definitely gives a new meaning to getting a little "take out" doesn't it? A deliciously fun kill, Ashe. Looks like the butcher is checking out all the good eateries in town. Another way to make the belly happy.

    1. Good catch, taking him out in more ways than one!! Thanks Vinnie more kills to come, some shootouts as well as civilian!

  3. Is the butcher going to uses that arrow as a mock gear shifter? Slam it down hard into those lower gears.

    1. Great idea, and one the Butcher has no doubt thought of on the drive back!

  4. Cazzo io lavoro in un ristorante così ........


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