Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Lengthy lunch break...



  1. Poor tubby guy never realized he would be getting a cold steel katana served to him for lunch. One heluva last meal!

  2. I like the detail that the shirt has been opened in such a way that only the huge belly is exposed and the tie has also been carefully laid aside so that nothing obstructs the free view.

  3. Perhaps the meeting with the butcher had already been arranged!!

  4. But wait, is there severance pay?

    1. The butcher gets paid in dead big bellied men, at least!

    2. Excellent way to make a living. 😏

  5. I think you should caption this one "assisted seppuku", Ashe

  6. This one was interesting in the way it's presented. The Butcher either opened his shirt or got him to open it. (The way the Butcher is dressed might have helped that along somehow.) It's a large sword so it wasn't hidden very well and likely didn't get plunged in as he can make the phone call.
    Conclusion: This man met the Butcher willingly on his lunch hour and the Butcher was smooth enough about it to limit the pain enough for the phone call. I'd guess he was surprised the Butcher kept the appointment, opened his shirt for him, dialed the call, got the blade and got the message off as he collapsed.

    1. The butcher, in a private room, with a katana, by appointment 🤔 I think you've figured it out!

    2. Reading this comment I was incredibly intrigued as this is the same thought that occurred to me. The willing victim aspect is super hot to me especially mixing in the fact he's basically phoning in his death! Seems a lot of fans are offering themselves to the Butcher at this point :) if it were me in this situation I wouldn't want anything to numb the pain. Go out rough and manly. Get on my knees with the Butcher my belly pressed outward his sword poised to strike as I make my last phone call. Shaking with anticipation as they answer "Yeah this is Markus in sales? I ran into the Belly Butcher on my lunch and well" I nod and feel steel bite into my stomach breaking through my guts slicing up my insides all in one quick motion "HROOAAAAAFFFUCK" I grunt as the handle is jammed against my stomach "I'm not gonna be able to make it back in today-heffNNKKK!" I yell as he twists. "Urrngh I have to go. I'm pretty sure I'm about to die!" I snap the phone shut and full on scream as I'm gutted alive.

    3. Looks like the guy has Japanese roots. Japanese culture celebrates the destruction of the male abdomen with seppuku, because this way of killing oneself results in an extremely long and agonizing death if no coup de grace is made. So it shows supreme courage of the dying man. It's no wonder, then, when this victim voluntarily and happily presents his wonderfully fat belly to the butcher.
      I hope the butcher will slit open his big belly and gut him alive after the phone call. I'm sure that's a heart's desire of this fat man!

    4. That is indeed the special this man ordered, and the reason he ordered it! It's easy enough to get the butcher's attention if you want him to make a pit stop on his travels, just make sure it's what you want, because there's no refunds!


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