Monday, September 12, 2022

An Example Punishment...



  1. The poor fatty was caught stealing food and was summarily executed! This is exactly how I want to go out. However, in my version I deny that I stole any rations. The commander--seeing through my lies--pulls out a knife and slits me open across my huge belly, spilling out all the food inside and proving me a liar. That would be sure to make for a messier, but perhaps more effective, parade around the barracks afterwards.

    1. Damn that is a much more brutal way to go for a big bellied thief, love it!

    2. Yes, his belly is bloated, but FUCK, look at those great biceps and the thick underside of the triceps, and that thick hairy CHEST! They should admit it, this was a thrill kill, pure and simple. And then, as the corpse is being loaded onto the wagon, it's obvious from how much the dead soldierboy's meaty pecs are being groped and fondled, what's on these superior officers' minds. (Man, it must be great to be able to just execute men at will, with impunity!)

    3. Is there any greater pleasure in life for a man than to see a BIG man die? Big muscles, big belly... big THUD as he falls dead. The men who executed him hadn't seen much action lately so they figured they'd use a bullshit excuse to kill a guy!

  2. Grrrrrrrr they should slice his gut right open and let all the guilty guts flow out

    1. First shot him right in his belly button to let him feel the burning pain of hot lead in his guts. Then while he still suffers by his gut shot, slit his big wounded belly open and let his stuffed guts spill out to show him his sins!

    2. There's no denying the accusation when your overstuffed guts are literally falling out of your massive tank!

    3. Slit that big belly wide open!

  3. We will all be caught stealing food rations !!


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