Saturday, July 30, 2022




  1. Another amazing work! I can imagine myself being the one laying with my back on the table and agonizing at the arrow in my navel! Love it! Missed the works that you used to do where the victim die cumming himself. Amazing work! Please post more if you've got time and on a side note: I love your videos on ThisVid!

  2. I picture that hot bandanna wearing beefcake posing with his foot ontop of his fat slaughtered prey, taking a selfie to prove how he single handedly punctured the guts of not only his target, but all his fat-bellied friends as well!

    1. Now those would be some selfies worth posting, to show what inevitably happens to big boys when they put down the fork and pick up a gun!

    2. It looks like none of those slow fatties ever managed to get a shot off. It just goes to show that belly boys should stick to what they are good at! (Eating, not fighting)

    3. That's what happens when a man's belly is too big, he spends so much time reaching around it - and balancing all that extra gut weight - when he goes to draw a pistol or sword, that by the time he gets it in his hand he's already been wasted by a bullet it blade in his fat tank!

    4. Exactly. Far too slow and ungainly to protect such a large surface area. I picture this fit marksman stuffing a cheeseburger into the mouth of his defeated target, in order to highlight how his gluttony made him so easy to kill in the end.

    5. Love that idea! Either the bounty in the leather jacket or the slain redhead in the foreground would be great options for him to pull that off on, as I gave them the biggest bellies out of the bunch, haha. Talk about feeling like a fatass in your final moments!

  3. There is so much good stuff here!
    Love the comments and different characters all coming to terms with their imminent death by terminal umbilical bellyache!
    “Double navel shot” dude and the “first week on the job” kid are really cool.

  4. The tan tatted dude in the back is the wonderfully stupidest getting his belly button delineated as the bull’s eye. 👍

    1. Nothing as satisfying as seeing a guy get what he asked for!

  5. I envy the guy with the double navel shot! My cavernous belly button could swallow multiple arrows too!
    Man I can't wait to get it in my fat tank too! I want to feel this agony in my guts!!! I can take it, I'm a big boy...
    My big belly belongs entirely to the guy who slaughters it!

    1. A big belly like yours was made to be slaughtered! I hope you get your wish, man! ;)

    2. Thanks Ashe! Your work is always an inspiration for my fantasies!

  6. While it's obvious that ALL these shirtless bulging lowlifes deserved the Karma that was coming back to them - I have a certain hard spot for the hottie splayed across the crate with 2 arrows sunk feathers deep into his big elongated bellybutton.

    His intelligent cute face, the surprise expressed by his gorgeous eyebrows, his medium sized belly with its beautiful bulging but solid curves that angle not so subtly towards the swollen bulge in his pants while his upper body so obviously paid attention to in the gym, is completely failing him now, not knowing if he should try and shoot back or just grab his fat cock and enjoy his last few minutes on earth - which I am all for just all long as I can lend a helping hand 😜🍆💦😵😈

    1. Always love your comments killer! Your favorite boy here was so shocked to be belly killed, all he could do was throw himself back in a sexy position and display his body to the bounty hunter who claimed it!


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