Thursday, March 10, 2022

Counting Kills...



  1. Oh man! That bayonet kill is the stuff of legend! Thanks so much Ashe!

    1. I'm glad you like! A belly that big was bound to attract a long, sharp bayonet before long - no way was he surviving this battle!

  2. Wow,the one guy killed 24!I would have loved to see that!

    As always, thanks for sharing!

    1. He has quite the killing spree, and all the men he killed met their end skewered through the belly by his bayonet! I might get around to drawing some of those kills! Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Looks like the big guy in the middle carries his huge pot gut right into the bayonet. Awesome!

    1. He's just cradling his poor overfed gut as his muscular foe skewers it like a shiskabob! He's probably marvelling at how easily the bayonet slid into him. He's realizing how easy it is for a slow, fat man like him to be killed. Soon his compatriots will share the same realization. I picture a loop or 2 of intestine slithering out of the potbelly as the blade is withdrawn, before the bayonet makes short work of the knife-throwing big man behind him.

    2. Correct and accurate assessment! He in fact pushed his own belly into the blade a bit and jiggled his gut after feeling the tip pierce through his fat and muscle and into his guts - he knew he was a goner, and he knew it was thanks to growing such a huge pot that turned him into such an expendable man - and that realization made him surrender to his fate. You can bet the knife thrower got that same bayonet in his huge gut just as his slain comrade was falling to the dirt and pawing at his exposed intestines. That's war for big-bellied men!

    3. Then sign me up! Private first class!! I hope they keep the canteen well stocked ;-)

    4. Yeah, exposed intestines would be hot! But I hope he gets a bullet in his guts, before the blade is pulled out. This will increase the pain and damage. Time to suffer, big guy!

  4. It seems the kills react rather well…;-)

  5. Man I LOVE you stuff! Except for the gore... Big turn off for me. But mosr of the time I can erase it in Photoshop without messing up the image to much.

    Thanks and please keep posting!

    1. I'm glad you can enjoy it regardless of the gore!

  6. When you're as big as some of these huge Hams a charge is hard to stop or reverse and your momentum carries you further than you expect. The BIG Boi cradling his ponderous hairy paunch can feel the bayonet slice deep into his guts and his dick swells in his camos as he realizes he's DEAD.....then the rifle CRAAACCKKKS 2 bullets into his happy trail just below the blade to finish him off with a THUDD.

    The knife thrower behind him while gloating about his knife throwing has both his arms in the air grabbing at his next knife, slung across his back, when the bayonet buries itself in his meaty ball of a belly, diving and slicing down through his guts and setting off urgent dick alarms telling him his time is rapidly running out - Oh to be the guy laying out all those big ball bellied beauties

    1. Killing ball-bellied dudes and watching how each one takes it in his guts has to be the most rewarding job there is!!

    2. Oh man, catching the fatty while he is reaching back for his knife, fully exposed, right when his huge gut is the most vulnerable! You truly are a poet!!

  7. Just like a balloon tends to drift towards something that will make it pop, our rounded pot bellies are drawn to the sharp objects that will slice them open. It’s a natural attraction that cant be stopped. The fatty in the middle nearly threw himself on the approaching bayonet, and boy did it stick him good. A direct and deep penetration clean through the navel. He knows he’s done for. I agree with others that he ought to get a few slugs in his underbelly as well. Just icing on the cake for another dead fat boy

    1. I love how aware you are of your own big potbelly and the expendability that it gives you! If you were on this battlefield, you would have no doubt been dispatched in the exact same way as the fat man in the middle.

  8. Another brilliant picture Ashe! I keep imagining myself as the big bellied knife thrower. Each man takes my blades in their abs like real men! But the grunts and testosterone gets to me and I get more and more careless till one guy charges me with his bayonet. I just stand there until my stomach is run through! I knew I could take it! Simply brilliant Ashe!

  9. That guy got some skills with handling a thick firm hairy round gut. He got his hand on the trigger. Ready to burn that guy inners with some hot leads


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