Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Swordfight... Another Animation by Kthoolfoo!

You have my friend Kthoolfoo to thank for this amazing animation of two guys duking it out with razor-sharp steel!

Swordfight Animation - Dropbox link


  1. Belly...belly...tit...GUTS! Feels just like one of my old battles with Tattoo Guy or Pizza Boy. The back and forth on the reciprocal navel shots is perfect, but the stab to the nipple is a surprise, and I can really feel me taking the payback right through my low guts! I'd always like to see more hits below the navel...between my navel and my cock is admittedly my sweet spot!

  2. Excellent vocals and sound fx too!

  3. I like how the guy actually pushes his belly bulge up and into that low shot to his guts. He wants to take it there good!

  4. He wants it run through deep to the hilt!

  5. Thanks to the two guys who have chatted with me. Sorry that I am not into video chats... good to get to know you though... thanks! M

  6. Replies
    1. I've created a dropbox link you can use to download it if you wish! It's directly underneath the embedded video.

  7. Yes, his earlier video had a dropbox link for downloading. That sure would be nice for this one.


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