Sunday, February 10, 2019

Another Reckless Attack (Drawn by a Friend!)...

My friend and I spent the day drawing out our own interpretations of this idea. Here's his version! My own version was posted just before this one.


  1. Very nice, just wish it was posted at a larger size, it's pretty small. But the impaled guts quivering is a nice effect.

  2. Love it! Always love the surprise stabbing like that.....and he actually stabbed himself, which is hot as hell. Thanks, Ashe.

    1. Thanks, Dino! That was the theme behind both of our 'Reckless' comics... the fact that the guy knew just what he was doing as he leapt onto the opponent's spear belly-first!

    2. Yeah, I love it when they think they have the upper hand.....and then find to their horror that they were mistaken. The kid's ball belly was the ideal target.

  3. hi dino, looking for carival with navel shooting?


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