Saturday, January 13, 2018

Axe Murderer Picks the Wrong Victim...


  1. Hahaha. His killer must have gotten a face full of cum after that shot, but I doubt he was the least bit concerned about it. He had to be proud of that award winning shot! Brought an axe to an arrow fight and got his belly full of arrow. Love it! When he dropped that axe, I would hug him close and shove that arrow in his belly to the feathered end.....maybe until it disappeared inside his gut hole. Thanks, Ashe.

    1. Thanks, Dino... you know that the bigger a man's belly is, the more cum he can store inside... and this guy was packing a serious load! Upon being shot dead in the guts, his body spilled every last bit of seed he had left in one rapturous (and equally painful) orgasm, as he no longer had any use for it where he's going, haha.


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