Thursday, September 22, 2016

Caught in the act

A quick picture I drew... the sheriff was caught in bed with his own deputy, so his wife decided to take matters into her own hands...


  1. Hehehe. What do they say about a woman scorned? She sure knew where to fire those arrows, too. Right in their fat bellies. Love it, Ashe! Thanks for sharing it with us. She may have to get some help to dispose of the bodies. On the other hand, she might have a hot, fit lover (a trade-in) who wanted her husband out of the picture, as well. As they are dyin', her husband gets to see her kissin' and makin' out with her new, younger, fit man. Life sucks for a fat man! LOL.

    1. Haha, I love the idea of the younger, fit lover putting her up to it! Also in her mind, it's because of her cooking that her husband has such a big belly in the first place... so she figures she can do what she wants with it, including filling it up with arrows! She probably knew he was out fucking all the boys in town, and she'd been planning this for a while, haha. Poor deputy though! Just earned his badge, only 20 years old, and ends up getting a belly full of death with his gay liver. Life sure does suck for these fat cowboys!

    2. Yep, her husband had often told her that his belly was hers to do with as she pleased, never dreaming that she might want to use it as a target. She needed her lover to take care of the heavy work, and he was more than happy to oblige. The poor beer-bellied kid was just collateral damage. They couldn't leave him alive, but they didn't feel too bad, since he was already growing a beer belly, like her husband. She had thought of using a gun, but it would produce too much noise.

    3. Haha, if I was the sheriff I wouldn't be able to help getting horny as I hear my big-bellied deputy take a quiver full of arrows in his guts... if only I wasn't tied up, I could rub his belly and kiss him to ease his passing! Ah, well... my turns coming up next. Huuuuuaaaahhhhhhggghhh!

    4. Heya, Dino... if you ever feel up for some chat roleplay email me at ! I'd love to do a Western roleplay with you, haha.

  2. Gotta love the sheriff keeping his hat on ��

  3. I'd love to be that deputy too. I'd be all over town sucking dicks. "The potbelly cocksuker." Filling my big gut with all the cum I can find, till one day I'm caught red handed. The potbelly cocksucker who has been slurping dicks all around town finally meets a fitting end. Arrows in his semen filled belly.

    1. I'm sure that'd be a fine sight to see, gayboy! Filling that belly up nice and tight with cum from every cowboy in town... finally, when you're full to bursting, rubbing your gut in satisfaction, the sheriff finds you and adds six burning hot bullets to your cum collection, haha.

    2. Fuckin' hot, guys! A guy who gathers up all the cum he can get, eats a huge meal until he's about ready to burst, then gets a load of lead in it.......or arrows, a knife, a spear or a sword. Hot visions!

    3. Hehe, though, if I was the sheriff, I wouldn't kill him right where I found him... I'd take him in, tie him down to a chair, and mount a bayonette in front of his navel... then force-feed him my own cum until his belly gets so big that he impales himself on it! The boy wants a big, warm bellyfull of cum... I'll certainly give it to 'im! Haha.

    4. Fuckin' hot, Ashe! Great scenario.

  4. The price for a belly full of his cum is a belly full of searing hot bullets. "Fat boy you're a damn fine cocksucker, almost a shame I had to plug your fat gut."


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