Saturday, December 28, 2024

Gambling and Recycling...



  1. Incredible! Love the Range so much!

  2. Wow! I thought there wouldn't be another drawing until next year, but this new visit to The Range has been very good, I hope I'm one of those workers to play a little with the potbellies before dismembering them.

    1. I plan to do more at the Range and include some nights that aren't just big belly centric!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cops, dilfs, bikers, construction workers, linesman, firefighters, security guards, footballers. Who could forget the night the entire local college football team was celebrating a win when the UCLA water polo team bus broke down out the front. Sheer carnage. 50 dead college boys plus the coaches and the all male cheer squad. Even the bus driver got riddled. Give two groups of heavily armed young men liquor and there's gonna be gunplay.

  3. I book myself for roulette!!

  4. To be honest, I was hoping that for the New Year you would draw something New Year’s. I can give you an idea - a fat Santa Claus for whom the Butcher installs a Christmas tree straight into his navel, piercing it, and Santa's penis is tied with a ribbon as a New Year's gift

    1. That’s brutal. It would be hot if he came down the butcher’s chimney bringing a brand new machete as a gift, only to have his fat gut slit open and all his cookie filled intestines spilled out!

    2. Nah, Maybe Santa would gine him a new bag of fancy arrows and offer his belly to escape the Mrs. (It's a bitch being immortal) but the Butcher would let him go, too many kids rely on him.

    3. I wanted to have a Christmas themed kill on the blog but unfortunately I've been running out of time to draw lately, even this comic was a bit of a rush job! The tree idea is very interesting though...

  5. Another great belly buffet from the Butcher! While it's always great to see a big belly get riddled with bullets, there's something especially satisfying about a guy going down with one well-placed shot to the belly button. Maybe it's because, like our Italian Stallion, it prolongs the experience? Or maybe because it works on all belly types?

    Also love the roulette table, there's also something special about a belly that's robust enough to keep a guy propped up even when he dies. I guess you could call it a *load*-bearing belly?

    1. Yes! Nothing like a well placed slug in the belly button. So entertaining 😏.

    2. What a guy must be feeling after losing to belly roulette, propped up on the table by his own smoking belly before being dragged away by his armpits as he watches the victor celebrate and feels his life draining away... I'm thinking there should be a bladed version of the device too!

    3. A bladed version opens up some cool possibilities! The table could be built with multiple openings/mechanisms for the blade to pop out of at random. Obviously you'd have one in the middle of the table that would lever the blade smack dab into the belly button---always a classic. It could also spin around for some mutually assured destruction, letting both guys die as their spilled guts mingle together on the table before them.

      But you could also have blades that pop upward at different points on the table---a guy with a flat enough belly might be able to avoid one of those and outlast his opponent. On the other hand, a dude with a big belly might not even see the blade that gets him, he just feels it penetrating his tender underbelly to skewer his sensitive guts within!

  6. Wow, those guys sucking in their guts were doing a great job!
    The roulette table needs two guns. I'd also make the first loss non fatal, but the loser must play again. That way he can try to recoup his loss, so to speak. It also makes for better entertainment. If he wins, he'll be walking advertisement and returning customer. The second loss, he ends up on the body line.
    Lastly the fastest gun in the house looks like he was fast against an unarmed man. That poor gut.

    1. There's nothing in the Range rules that says you can't shoot an unarmed belly! ;)

  7. Now this is a bar where I'd feel right at home. Mayhem, murder, machismo. I don't think I would volunteering for the lineup, but some of the other games sure look fun! Time to belly up to the bar.

    1. Being near to a college town there's always plenty of horny, broke college boys happy to keep you company for the night. Sit back and watch men shoot each other while your boy takes care of all your needs.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. There's a shop in the range. Not much more than a corridor with hundreds of gun belts and holsters. A young fella who's never had a gunfight can get a holster and a gun. There's always an older guy getting his "nephews" their first pair of six shooters. There's a small shooting range out the back next to the sauna. It's where the place gets its' name. They teach the kids who to draw then let em loose on each other.


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