Thursday, July 25, 2024

Stalking the Trails...

Apologies, I accidentally posted part of this comic earlier when it wasn't finished. Here it is 
in it's entirety!


  1. I love hiking so this is just one more reason to go. All three kills are perfect, but the last one is EPIC. Thrown spear sliding through then propping him up. Nothing like a good impale when the guy ends up pinned like a bug on a board. Also love the shot of the guts - I could just feel that slicing through. What a way to go out happy and hard.

    Middle guy is pretty much the Vinster years ago, just tryin to be helpful and getting the short end of the stick. Man this is summer recreation at it's finest. Let's all go camping!

    1. Thanks Vinnie, the Butcher likes to save his most epic kill for last when he goes on big guy killing sprees! You know that guy had to feel like a total shish-ke-bab as he was forced to go limp and die big-belly up, propped up in the air with a spear running through his guts. He knew he was giving the Butcher a good view, at least! If you go camping in these parts, having seen your pics, I know you'll end up like these three if the Butcher is around.

    2. Hey you don't have to sell me on takin' it like a man and goin out like a Vin-ke-bob. Feeling that spear shaft as you slide down and then stop - caught right in the balance. But yeah as you noted - walks in the woods don't tend to end peaceful for me.

  2. I think this is the longest comic you've published in recent years, and I see why!
    The three deaths are great, but I will always prefer a good arrow to the navel, although I would accept any, I just hope that these are not the only hikers to be treated decently. :)

    1. P.S. Maybe he would have let the last fat boy live, it is an investment in the future, his son would grow up and seeing his father with that big belly, he would also want to have one out of admiration for his father, and when he was already an attractive young man and a father a sexy mature man would claim his father and son navels. 2x1

    2. The arrow is definitely the classic Butcher kill and the way he offs most big-bellied guys he hunts, but he does like to switch it up every once in a while like with the spear... his only rule is that he doesn't use firearms, which is why you won't find any art of him shooting a man with bullets even when they're being fired at him ;) Since he first started killing he's always preferred the visceral feel of putting something long and solid in a man's big belly... the feel of his muscles pulling the string back, the whip of air as the arrow is loosed, the sound of the arrowhead punching into a big fat belly and the groan of the doomed man. He prefers the challenge and loves to show off his archery skills. He's a hunter at heart, not a gunslinger, after all! He might have a gunslinging rival someday, though

  3. Please tell me where I find that killer jungle, I'm going there in a hurry!!

  4. Replies
    1. I'll join you and we can have "safety" in numbers. More like fish in a barrel, but the end result is so good.

    2. The two of you will make great targets for the belly butcher, hold still for a sec... light up your cigars to send up a smoke signal for him!

  5. So hot, thanks for posting! I'll jump on the bandwagon and say the finale is super sexy---I'd love having my way with that hot dad as he expired feeling his guts wrapped around that spear. Good thing hot big-bellied dudes are always in season!

    1. He seems to be the favorite of the kills, I'm sure he'd appreciate all the attention if he were still alive! Always more hikers to skewer though...

  6. How come so many fat guys are walking down this trail? Does it lead to a Cheesecake Factory?

  7. Wearing a shirt seems like the only solution to not getting your gut brutally violated by the Butcher.

    1. Yeah, I think the guy in the middle really missed out. Luckily the single arrow means he will die slower than the other two. And the butcher said he’d be back for him, so I hope he gets to feel his guts torn to shreds as the butcher reclaims his arrow

  8. Damn dude, your work gets hotter and hotter! I want my big fat beer belly to be on the receiving end of the Butcher's spear!

  9. It's so hot, I want to go to this place. My belly button needs this

    1. Your fat belly would look wonderful sliced open


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