Monday, April 8, 2024

Prison Break...



  1. Voglio essere anche io una guardia panciona

    1. They'll be coming for your big belly next, I hope you're ready to die or fight back with the other guards!

  2. Is there a possibility that they could have made a bow or crossbow with arrows? The guards deserve their navels to receive a "deeper" stimulation, in any case, it looks like they're going to have to hire some new guards, since I think there's going to be a massacre in that prison.

  3. Awww man! These 2 guys are leaving! I want to see they violated some more big gut wardens

  4. I don't know who was luckier, the one skewered horizontally or the one vertically!!!

  5. I think if I was a guard I would always be showing my belly off. Tight shirts and straining buttons. Maybe I come untucked and my gut sags under it. Taunting the angry prisoners. Being held captive by a big pot bellied pig infuriates them. I know when they get the chance, they would fuck up my gut, but that’s the fun. Knowing that any day could be the day you get your guts scrambled by a rogue inmate’s knife. Everyone knows it’s instinct to kill a fat weak man in the belly

  6. Hi, I'm from Indonesia, I really like the photos you show and always fantasize about me being executed in that photo, I'm a man who likes wearing women's clothes(crossdresser), and I really hope I can get pregnant (mprag) and be executed in my stomach until the water my pleasure is all out

  7. The two uniformed guards get so hot, they grunt one last time, their bellies bulge forward, they twitch violently, then they sink to the ground, dying and groaning, and a wet gray spot shimmers in their pants

    1. Getting stabbed to death in your big belly would make any guy horny!

  8. Damn this is hot! I love when the dude says to his partner, stick him in his gut!

    1. You should get it like this too Corey, right in you'd gut!


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