Saturday, July 15, 2023

Hunter Becomes the Hunted....



  1. Too bad it got the Hog Hunter, I liked the guy and his nice big belly.
    But I love the intimate moment when he gets it straight up his belly button from the belly butcher! Such a sensual mixture of pain and eroticism.
    The fat guy with his car is hilarious...

    1. The big guy might have some fans who will miss him, but the Butcher couldn't let him live, unfortunately - taking his potential kills he might have forgiven, as there are plenty of big bellied men to go around, but it's against the Butcher's code to spare any man with a big gut! The Hog Hunter partly enjoyed his fate, though, as you noticed!

  2. I really can't decide whether to cross the fields in a pig mask or a pounding car hood!!

  3. My favorite part is when the hood slams down on the arrow embedded in his belly button, and his arms and legs fly into the air as the arrow is driven another 3 to 4 inches deeper into his guts.

    1. Please Bring another hog hunter character, for the spice.


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