Monday, April 3, 2023




  1. Damn sexy as always, Ashe. My favourite part is how the big blondie thought he was rescued, right up to the point where the butcher's blade sunk into his tight stuffed guts. Now that we know the hog hunter is a hog himself, I am sure his days are numbered

    1. I'm very glad you like it! Big-bellied dude was excited that his muscle-bound prince charming had come to the rescue, but that idea was snuffed out really quick when he felt cold steel hilt-deep in his fat, meat and guts - but at least he got a bellyrub out of it all!

    2. Pulling his sweet intestines out then making a tie around his neck would be great I guess.

    3. Dammit that's a hot thought. Kind of like the tie I am wearing in my pic

  2. Also if the butcher is so curious about how stuffed the piggy is, it is simple enough for him to open up his stomach and see how much food spills out. Question answered.

  3. My idea of a prince charming--cold steel and all!

    1. Based on that potbelly, the Butcher would be more than happy to fulfill the role for you! As well as for any and all other big-bellied guys he stops to gut along the way to your place.

  4. Such a hot Story. Love that the Hog Hunter is a big guy too. And I love the fate of his victim. Thought that he's rescued and than gets a bellyfull of cold steel! His moaning and groaning while he' s suffering is so so hot!

    1. I'm glad you like it, there's more belly butchering to come!

  5. Just inches away from a "back piercer" kill maybe the butcher was too busy admiring that huge gut the hog hunter had there. Can't wait to see a hunter with a huge gut being hunted by the most seasoned "guts hunter" haha!

    1. We'll just have to see which hunter reins supreme!

  6. hopefully he will put up more than a fight than just being dead by a knife in the gut like that the last hog he had in his bathroom

    1. It might be the Belly Butchers hardest kill yet

  7. amazing work. i want to see stab in belly button but not die .. some torture to navel of big guts by a muscle guy

  8. Your best one yet! I'm also proud to that my big belly can take 8 inches of steel without the tip of the blade coming out through my back!


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