Saturday, January 28, 2023

Two Very Different Targets...

A sniper fells two enemy men with his rifle, both satisfying kills in their own right:



  1. Love the first Grunt, his trim hairy body, the gorgeous lines of his obliques, his big pecs and biceps as well as his sexy bellybutton and happy trail that draws the eye down to his big soldier bulge - but NOTHING takes a bullet better than a big bulging hairy paunch, a huge bellybutton and happy trail to aim for and a huge bulge swelling beneath his belly, hiding in the shade and leaking a massive wet spot into his pants. These two hotties sizzle in a one and done scenario but spontaneously COMBUST when both their belly get RIDDLED.

    1. As far as the better corpse, it's an easy choice for some, and a harder one for others 😁

    2. Agree with Mr. Anonymous. Just something about a big bellied dude getting it right dead center in the gut. The belly button just so perfect to take the hit.

  2. Hey Ashe, if I get my belly that big and round will you plug my belly button?

  3. Usually snipers use large caliber bullets, no navel can resist, soldiers know this well, that's why they show their bellies.

    1. Love that phrase “… no navel can resist..”. 😏

  4. Have you ever thought about sticking a fork between intestines like pasta?

  5. The idea of ​​the operating room while everyone's attention is on the intestines is very good

    1. Yes! Perhaps the big guy on the bottom gets his fat belly slit open by the field surgeon on the battlefield in a vain attempt to save his life. Picture that surgeon elbow deep in the big man's fat and intestines!


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