Saturday, January 18, 2020

Three Ways to Die in Space...

As a capper for the sci-fi compilations, here are three guys who, among countless others, died in unfortunate but common ways while out exploring the final frontier...


  1. Love that first one, Ashe. It's so hot. The smoke and blood coming out of his belly hole. Yeah! And who could resist the "ahhhh, ya got me"? Thanks.

    1. Thanks, Dino! Yeah, no matter if they're getting a belly full of lead in the old west or a gut full of red-hot laser in the future, all guys die the same in the end... the technology might advance, but the classic "Ooh, ya got me!" is NEVER going away, haha

    2. Something about a lightsaber through a fat guy's gutbutton really gets the former nerd part of me turned on

    3. I know exactly what you mean, I would love to see more fat guys getting it in the belly with lightsabers. Definitely would be my preferred way to die in space

  2. I really love the middle guy. Arms chopped off and saber through his big fuckin belly he has no choice but to marvel at it as his death is right around the corner.


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