Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Lack of new posts

Just wanted to give an update. The past few months have been kind of rough, and I haven't really been able to work on my art or stories. I'm hoping to have some things to post soon, though, so stay tuned if you're so inclined!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Interactive Story - Manhunt 2023

Hello all, I'm finally finished with the story I've been writing! I'm posting the link here as well as the arenafighter forum. This is something of a sequel to my previous game, Covert Ops, only this one is much more fully realized and expansive. To play, just click the link below, then hit the green 'play' button. Each page will have multiple choices to pick from, outlined in blue at the bottom of each screen; just pick one of the options to move the story forward.

Because of the size and nature of the game, there are bound to be bugs and broken links that I've missed. If you run into any issues while playing, please let me know, and I will fix the issue and update the file on the hosting site.

Friday, March 20, 2020

A few arrow kills...

... to tide you guys over until the new project drops. I know I said in my last blog update that I wouldn't be posting any pics, but I had these (mostly) finished and sitting around on my tablet for a while so I figured I might as well share them.

A couple of men tricked by their friend, who happens to be very good at archery:

An older picture of an outlaw being lassoed and brought to justice:

Monday, March 16, 2020

Blog Update

Just letting you guys know, if any of you still follow this blog, I probably won't be posting any pics for a little while, as I'm working hard on a larger proect! When I'm finished, it will be posted here and the arenafighter forum. It's hard to say when the project will be done, and it's overall a much more expansive project that's taking up all the time I usually reserve for drawing.

I'll keep this blog updated if there is any further news, so stay tuned!

Friday, February 7, 2020

Big Ben gets the Firing Squad...

It's been a while, but I've made another animation! An unlucky outlaw is caught, and very soon after meets his end as he is used for target practice...

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Three Ways to Die in Space...

As a capper for the sci-fi compilations, here are three guys who, among countless others, died in unfortunate but common ways while out exploring the final frontier...