Saturday, August 31, 2019

Asking For It...

After this cowboy grows a big belly, he starts feeling vulnerable, and begins to fantasize about the manly rush of losing a shootout... One fine day he says 'fuck it,' cashes his last paycheck, and seeks out a man with good aim. He doesn't have to search for long!


  1. Hahaha. He barely got the word out. I think the shooter should get a bonus for great marksmanship......the belly, he couldn't miss, but the center of the target? Yeah, that was special. I like to think that Pete was a badass fucker, who had plugged more than his share of bellies over the years.....flat, fat, or somewhere in between. He had grown complacent.....figured he was invincible.....finally got it good....just what he had comin' to him. Love it, Ashe.


    1. Thanks so much, Dino! Now that you mention it I can see him lying there, spread eagle with an arrow fletching pinning his bellybutton, as his killer walks up... Pete takes out another 50 dollars from his pocket and slaps it on top of his belly... a litte extra for the stellar marksmanship!

    2. What a great scene!

  2. Out of the blue, this reminds me of an encounter I had years ago with an attractive young man...we were at a sci-fi convention late at night in my hotel room, and as usual I steered the conversation "our way". There was of course drinking involved. At a certain point in the conversation we were discussing getting it with various weapons and I suggested a large knife. I started to describe the feeling of cold steel penetrating, and before I could get any further he suddenly pulled open his shirt, revealing a nicely muscled but slightly bulging belly...what I used to call a "college beerbelly"...and announced "I'll take cold steel...give it to me in my gut, baby!" Obligingly I turned my fist into a dagger, and punched him hard right in the guts, just below his deepset bellybutton, burying my fist deep and grinding it in, pushing him back against the wall. He just grunted "ooohhh" softly as I pulled it out and punched him again harder, right in the navel. His whole body went rigid and he murmured "again" and I drove my fist in again, this time low in the guts just above his dick in an upthrust. He clutched my shoulders and hung on the "blade", shuddering. I slid his body down the wall, and gave him a few more shots in his straining belly, which by now was pushing out hard to receive the blows. He grunted with each blow, until I reached back and punched him hard one final time right in the gut, burying my fist and holding it there until he "died" on it, his body straining, then his head slumping forward on his chest. I pulled my fist out and he laughed. Then we had a drink and continued our conversation as if nothing had happened...but I know that little scene drove him very nearly to orgasm, and I am sure he went back to his room and jerked off after it.
    Like the fellow in Ashe's artwork, he wanted to experience taking it in the belly just one time!

    1. Hot vision, Derek! Thanks. In my life, I've found that virtually all males have "this thing" about taking it in their bellies....that it's pretty much a sexual thing, whether it's blades, bullets, spears, pitchforks/tridents, swords or arrows.


    2. Thanks for the story, Derek! Super hot!

    3. Ashe, I love it when your artwork triggers memories like that. Aside from my regular actors, I have had many one-shot encounters like that. Sometimes they were just talk, sometimes they involved a little play-acting like this. I wish I have kept a written record of them all, but i didn't, so it's fun to remember one I have simply forgotten over the years. I wonder where those guys are now, and if they ever think of our encounters. They were much more entertaining than sex!

    4. So hot and horny!!! I too have a great story...

    5. I like to think of the marksman coming up to his kill to reclaim his arrow, ripping it out and pulling out a couple loops of overfed cowboy intestine as he does, as fat Pete gasps his last breath

  3. Replies
    1. Only price is your belly and your life!

    2. Would feel good to take an arrow in the belly (especially in the bellybutton) or maybe to shoot an arrow into a gunfighter... casually go up to him... offer him a cigarette and while he lights it and exhales the smoke after his first drag... shoot him again and again in the guts... before he drops down... dead!

    3. Hot, hot, hot! I prefer it when they take awhile to die. Hehe. Thanks.


    4. Yeah! The belly button is such a perfect Kill Spot:sexy, exposed, humiliating, and takes a while to
      Fun for all ;-)

  4. I have updated the story of my chats with my newly-initiated buddy in the comments under the SCOUTING PARTY, AMBUSHED post from July 9.

  5. Another thing I like a lot is the "wanted poster". None of that "dead or alive" shit, Ashe. An arrow, a knife, a spear or a load of bullets in his bellybutton will do just fine. With an offer of $100.00, it's a wonder he didn't all of those things in his big belly......a knife, a spear, an arrow....and six slugs in the guts. Hell, he's got the belly for it all. Hehehe.


    1. I agree with Dino. A hundred bucks to get plugged in the gut...real fun ;-)

    2. He wanted to make sure that whoever got him, got him good... right in the bellybutton!

    3. He sure did! He wanted to watch while the other cowboy loaded his Colt .45 with 6 fresh bullets... then he enjoyed taking all 6 in the belly! That’s after he took your arrow Ashe! A BELLY FULL FOR SURE!

  6. I described the target to my new buddy and asked him what he thought would be the best choice and he replied "oh definitely six slugs in his guts! I'd pump two in his low guts, between his navel and dick, let him grab his gut, put two more in his big belly above the navel, let him stagger back against the wall and slide down into a sitting position, then come in close and jam the muzzle right in his bellybutton and blast him twice through the navel, blowing him through the bellybutton and right square into his guts!"

    1. Now, that guy is a man after my own heart, Derek. That's a perfect scenario! I've always hated it when a guy in the movies or on TV gets one or two slugs in his belly and goes off the hell (so to speak). Six slugs in a man's guts are perfect.....and it's the same no matter what size he is, tall or short, slender of ball bellied! Thanks for sharing this with us.



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