Thursday, January 26, 2017

Left to Die...

A grunt meets his end at the hands of an enemy soldier's spear...

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weapon idea... The Belly Buster Arrow

Hey all, I'm back! I wanted to share a bit of concept art for a special type of arrow I've designed... I also had fun drawing a few examples of how they'd work on a guy. I may come up with  some more weapon designs in the future. 

Anyway, in this sequence, this guy (a self-proclaimed 'bear hunter) loads up with a quiver of my special arrows and goes 'hunting' at his local leather bar. First, he scopes out the area, and comes across an armed bouncer...

... the hunter takes aim, and puts the man down with one solid shot, marking his first kill.

The hunter decides to wait outside to see if any reinforcements show up... and sure enough, the bouncer's buddy meanders through the front door. The hunter makes short work of the tubby, scantily-clad gentleman...

Next, the hunter takes the hunt inside... the bar is dark, but he soon comes across two men that he wishes to claim... a ginger with a huge ball gut, and a handsome older man with a firm little potbelly. He figures this would be the perfect opportunity to test the weapon on two different belly 'types...' The hunter nabs both of the men's attention with a sharp whistle. Too late, they spot the crossbow...

The two dead men fall atop of each other next to the bar, soaked in each others cum. The other men in the bar turn to look... but they figure the duo had simply had too much to drink. 

The hunter turns his gaze to his next victim... A man with a big, handsomely-round belly that protrudes like a beach ball from his skintight wrestling singlet. The hunter decides to try something different on this man... He pulls out a throwing knife that had been engineered with the same technology as the Belly Buster Arrow. 

As the wrestler dies with a loud groan and splays himself out on the floor, the rest of the men in the bar finally take notice of the hunter... There is shouting and fighting as nearly two-dozen men shove their way out of the building, tripping over the dead bodies of the hunter's victims. The hunter scowls... his prey had fled. 

However, there was still one other man left in the bar... the potbellied man was suspended in the air by a series of chains and leather harnesses, left behind to die by the men that had been toying with him. The man squirms around and yells for help while the hunter reloads his crossbow... 

The suspended man grimaces and groans as the hunter puts arrow after arrow into his exposed belly, but frustratingly, he misses the man's bellybutton each time. Finally, on his fourth try, the hunter hits his mark...

As his last kill died, the hunter took note... it seemed that the Belly Buster Arrows only lead to orgasm and instant death when the victim is shot DIRECTLY in the navel. With this newfound knowledge, the hunter left the bar and sulked away into the night, a wicked smile plastered across his face...