Sunday, December 27, 2015

Quick Note

Hey, to anyone who still follows my blog... just wanted to let you know I'm still working on a few projects that I intend to post here eventually! I've had to put drawing on the backburner for a while until I get a few more important things sorted out! Any drawing or erotic literature I finish will still be posted on this site, so if you're still interested just check back every week or two!


  1. Your artwork is well worth waiting for, so hang in there, bud. Rest assured I check back daily. We all have other duties we have to attend to, so don't sweat it. I sure don't want you wearing yourself down trying to keep up this site and other of life's necessities. Hope you had a fine Christmas holiday, and I'm glad to know that you are still around.

    1. Thanks, Dino! Hope you're having a great holiday season as well!

  2. Ditto from me! I've been checking in everyday.

    1. I hope to have some new content before too long!

  3. Great to read your news. I love your works!!

  4. Same here...your work is fabulously erotic...thanks


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